Archive for 2011

Password Generator and Callsign Spelling with C#

If you need help building a random password, you should check out random password generator. It’s great, it gives you a lot of options and you can have it generate a list of 50 passwords with their callsign spellings in seconds. I’ve found the callsign spelling to be very helpful for remembering and recognizing all the characters in a new password I generate. I liked this solution so much, I decided port this concept over to C# with a set of helpers. This can be used anywhere you want to generate a password, I am currently using it in a ASP.NET LOB app to suggest and show better passwords options.

Generating Random Passwords

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;

public static class StringHelper
    // Shared Static Random Generator
    private static readonly Random CommonRandom = new Random();

    public static string GenerateRandomPassword(int passwordLength, bool canRepeatCharacters = false)
        char[] chars = "$%#@!*abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890?;:ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ^&".ToCharArray();

        string randomPassword = string.Empty;

        for (int l = 0; l < passwordLength; l++)
            int x = CommonRandom.Next(1, chars.Length);

            if (canRepeatCharacters || !randomPassword.ToCharArray().Any(ch => ch == chars[x]))
                randomPassword += chars[x].ToString();

        return randomPassword;

    public static List<string> GenerateRandomPasswords(int quantity, int passwordLength = 8)
        List<string> passwords = new List<string>();

        for (int i = 0; i < quantity; i++)

        return passwords;

There are a few options on the generator, like not repeating a character and configuring the password length. In addition to the main method, I also have a helper that also returns a list of multiple passwords, to return in a list to give your users options.

Important note, Random() is not very random when your making quick consecutive calls. If you want to call Random() in a loop, you should move your instance of the Random() class to the outside to prevent duplicate seeds, which will result in duplicate passwords.

public static string GetCallsignSpelling(string password)
	if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(password))
		return string.Empty;

	Dictionary<char, string> callsigns = new Dictionary<char, string>()
			{'$',"Dollar Symbol"},
			{'%',"Percent Symbol"},
			{'#',"Number Symbol"},
			{'@',"At Symbol"},
			{'!',"Exclamation Symbol"},
			{'*',"Asterisk Symbol"},
			{'?',"Question Symbol"},
			{';',"SemiColon Symbol"},
			{':',"Colon Symbol"},
			{'^',"Caret Symbol"},
			{'&',"Ampersand Symbol"}

	char[] wordCharacters = password.ToCharArray();

	string callsignSpelling =
									 (current, passwordCharacter) =>
									 current + (callsigns[passwordCharacter] + " - ")).TrimEnd(' ', '-');

	return callsignSpelling;

The spelling is done using a Key/Value dictionary, and iterating over each character of the password one-by-one.

The result of using these two helpers is below.

JSON to HTML Form Using jQuery dForm Plug-in

In a previous posts, I’ve showed how to go from a JSON array of objects/values, to a HTML table. This is great when you want to display a bunch of data in column and rows, but what happens if you want to interact with the data. No problem, there is the jQuery dForm plug-in for that. In order to generate the form, you’ll need to redesign your server side / inline objects to provide the required rendering data for dForms. It’s pretty straight forward and there is a ton of options with the plug-in, see here.

Demo Screenshot

In the image above, we use an inline object that will feed the dForm “buildForm()” method. I’m using a static value here, but you could have easily setup dForm to load the data remotely using ajax.

Here is the jQuery dForm 0.1.3 Plug-in Demo used in the screenshot above, which includes everything you need to get up and running fast. If you have problems making dForm work, make sure you have included “ALL” the dForm libraries. The dForm.js file has dependencies on the other libraries, if you don’t load the correct libraries, you’ll end up with a blank form.

Reusable ASP.NET MessageBox UserControl

All systems need a way to share status messages with a user, without giving them feedback they don’t what has or what will happen. There are so many different ways to send an alert (modal window, JavaScript alert, inline HTML, etc…), regardless of what you use it always help to be consistent. I built this control based on a few different ideas/examples a long time ago, and I seem to find more uses for it all the time. You can call it from the server or from the client using JavaScript, making it the perfect single solution “notification” solution.

Here is an example of what it looks like.

ASP.NET MessageBox User Control Screenshot

** The text after the heading, is the code that was used to trigger the message box.

The control is pretty straight forward, on the server it works by “re-injecting” the rendered control when you call Show function. Since the control does not use viewstate, every time you post back to the server and call show again, the last message disappears and the new message is displayed. If you want the message to disappear “automatically” after a few seconds, you can can set the timeout in milliseconds. On the client (via JavaScript), you can create a simple function that will provide access to throwing alerts from the client without a postback.

Client Side Example

<script type="text/javascript">
	function ShowSuccess(message) {
		$alert = $('#MBWrapper1');

		$alert.append('<p>' + message + '</p>').addClass('successMsg').show().delay(8000).slideUp(300);

Server Side Example

public partial class _Default : System.Web.UI.Page
	protected void Success_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
		MessageBox1.ShowSuccess("Success, page processed.", 5000);

ASP.NET MessageBox User Control – Full Working Demo

Download and try the demo, if you like what you see… Here is what you need to include to make the control work in your project.

  • MessageBox User Control (ASMX & CS)
  • jQuery
  • IMessageBox.css stylesheet
  • All the graphics from the Images folder

** Note: If you move the images into a different directory, you’ll need to update the CSS to use the correct path to the images.

ASP.NET Lists Elements and Client Side Updates

A common issue I see people run into with Web Forms is the inability for client side changes to LIST elements (ListBox, DropDownList, etc…) to be passed back during POSTBACK. This is due to the how the viewstate is assigned/process, and there is no simple “hack” to bypass this. As for other non-list elements that typically implement a Text property, this isn’t an issue. Here are 3 common ways to get around the limitation in seeing changes to your LIST elements that were made on the client using jQuery/JavaScript.

1. Create a hidden field (that has a text property)

<select size="5" id="users">
    <option value="Kelly">Kelly</option>
    <option value="Kylee">Kylee</option>
    <option value="Nathan">Nathan</option>

<input type="hidden" id="userList" runat="server" value="Kelly,Kylee,Nathan"/>

Here is how you would add/parse the client side change.

var $users = $('#users');
var $usersList = $('#usersList');

$users.append($('<option></option>').val('New Entry Value').html('New Entry Text'));

var newUserList = '';
var $options = $('#users').children('option');

$.each($options, function(index, value) {
	newUserList = newUserList + $options[index].value + ',';

$usersList.val(newUserList.substr(0, newUserList.length-1));

** In this example, you maintain a hidden input element that matches the items in the select list. When you change the select list in JavaScript, you change the value of the hidden element. During post back, you read and parse this list to make your updates.

2. Wrap your lists in an update panel

<asp:UpdatePanel ID="UpdateRoles" runat="server">
                <td style="height: 180px; vertical-align: top;">
                    Active Roles<br />
                    <asp:ListBox ID="lstAdd" runat="server" Width="300px" OnSelectedIndexChanged="lstAdd_SelectedIndexChanged" Rows="10"></asp:ListBox>
                <td style="height: 180px">
                    <asp:Button ID="AddRole" runat="server" Text="->" OnClick="AddRole_Click1" />
                    <br />
                    <asp:Button ID="RemoveRole" runat="server" Text="<-" OnClick="RemoveRole_Click" />
                <td style="height: 180px; vertical-align: top;">
                    InActive Roles<br />
                    <asp:ListBox ID="lstRemove" runat="server" Width="300px" OnSelectedIndexChanged="lstRemove_SelectedIndexChanged" Rows="10"></asp:ListBox>

Here are the events that are fired when you click the Add / Remove buttons the move items between the lists.

protected void AddRole_Click1(object sender, EventArgs e)
	if (lstAdd.SelectedIndex > -1)

protected void RemoveRole_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
	if (lstRemove.SelectedIndex > -1)

** You could fire the events using any type of event, in the sample I highlighting a item in one of the two lists and click Add/Remove to switch the items between the lists.

3. Post back using Ajax

This is currently my preferred approach, since it ride on top of jQuery Ajax and follows my normal design approach to building widgets (ajax load / add / edit / delete). Using this approach you can do real-time updates as they edit the list, or you can post back your entire form including all your list changes without a post back. There are so many options when you start using ajax calls to pass data back and forth between the client and server.

My example below is using a WCF service, you can also use ASMX to do this in earlier versions of .NET. This solution has a lot more steps, but it really encompasses a whole “form submit” vs. propagating your LIST changes to the server.

To start, I also build some simple objects to pass between the client & server. The objects go both ways and are defined as a DataContract in C#.

public class Member
	public int MemberId;

	public string CustomerCode;

	public string DelToCode;

public class Rule
	public int RuleId;

	public string Name;

	public bool Enabled;

	public List&lt;Member&gt; Members;

One we have an opject to pass, we define a method that will use this object.

	RequestFormat = WebMessageFormat.Json,
	ResponseFormat = WebMessageFormat.Json,
	BodyStyle = WebMessageBodyStyle.WrappedRequest)
bool UpdateRule(Rule rule);

public bool UpdateRule(Rule rule)
	// Do Update Using Object

Next we build a form that will be used with our server, everything on the form can be build during page load or it can be populate via Ajax.

<fieldset class="withborder" id="manageRule">
<legend>Rule Update</legend>
		<label class="left">
			Rule ID<em>*</em></label>
		<input type="text" class="medium disabled" id="ruleId">
		<label class="left">
		<input type="text" class="medium" maxlength="5" id="ruleName">
		<label class="left">
		<input type="checkbox" class="checkBox" id="ruleEnabled" checked="checked">
		<label class="left">
			<div class="dropZone available">
				<ul class="connectedSortable ui-sortable" id="available" style="">
					<li id="MemberId_1" class="ui-state-highlight">Red</li>
					<li id="MemberId_2" class="ui-state-highlight">Green</li>
			<div class="dropZone included">
				<ul class="connectedSortable ui-sortable" id="included" style="">
					<li id="MemberId_3" class="ui-state-highlight">Blue</li>
					<li id="MemberId_4" class="ui-state-highlight">Yellow</li>
					<li id="MemberId_5" class="ui-state-highlight">Orange</li>
	<li style="text-align: right;">
		<input type="button" value="Update Rule" text="Add" id="updateRule">

Finally, we put it all together with JavaScript function that uses jQuery and’s libraries to build and transfer data between the client and sever.

function UpdateRule() {
	var rule;

	rule.RuleId = parseInt($('#ruleId').val());
	rule.Name = $('#ruleName').val();
	rule.Enabled = $('#ruleEnabled').is(':checked');

	var $includedMembers = $('#included > li');

	rule.Members = [];

	// This is where you parse / add the values of your list (listbox, li, etc...)
	if ($includedMembers.length > 0) {
		$.each($includedMembers, function (index, value) {
			var id = $includedMembers[index].id.replace('MemberId_', '');
			var name = $includedMembers[index]' - ');
			var member = { 'CustomerCode': name[0], 'DelToCode': name[1], 'MemberId': id };

		url: '/Service/ExampleWCFService.svc/UpdateRule',
		contentType: 'application/json; charset=utf-8',
		dataType: 'json',
		type: 'POST',
		data: JSON.stringify({ 'rule': rule }),
		success: function (rule) {
			// Do Something On Success

** Don’t forget, you could have your service store this data in the cache/session/etc… if you don’t want to store it real-time. In my sample, I send the whole form to be process and not just the list. This gets rid of the entire post back process.

Each has it’s own unique requirements, the only one I tend not to use anymore is #2 since it requires the addition of the ASP.NET Ajax Library. Having an additional library and added content in a project for this one feature isn’t worth it to me. I know the library has got more compact, but in general it’s quite heavy (size wise), and since I already “always” include jQuery there really isn’t a need for this baggage.


I created a helper a few months back that used DATA URIs to download JSON to CSV, but due to IE’s implementation of DATA URIs (or lack of), it does not work for IE (all versions). Here is the same helper that will just convert the data, which you can use anyway you want (example: in a popup, to display in a modal window, etc…).

    <title>Demo - Covnert JSON to CSV</title>
    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

    <script type="text/javascript">
		// JSON to CSV Converter
        function ConvertToCSV(objArray) {
            var array = typeof objArray != 'object' ? JSON.parse(objArray) : objArray;
            var str = '';

            for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
                var line = '';
                for (var index in array[i]) {
                    if (line != '') line += ','

                    line += array[i][index];

                str += line + '\r\n';

            return str;

		// Example
        $(document).ready(function () {

			// Create Object
            var items = [
				  { name: "Item 1", color: "Green", size: "X-Large" },
				  { name: "Item 2", color: "Green", size: "X-Large" },
				  { name: "Item 3", color: "Green", size: "X-Large" }];

			// Convert Object to JSON
			var jsonObject = JSON.stringify(items);

			// Display JSON

			// Convert JSON to CSV & Display CSV
    <pre id="json"></pre>
    <pre id="csv"></pre>

Here is the output using the script and above.


Created with “JSON.stringify()” function from

[{"name":"Item 1","color":"Green","size":"X-Large"},{"name":"Item 2","color":"Green","size":"X-Large"},{"name":"Item 3","color":"Green","size":"X-Large"}]


Created with “ConvertToCSV()” function I created above.

Item 1,Green,X-Large
Item 2,Green,X-Large
Item 3,Green,X-Large

Compare SubSonic Objects (Columns) for Differences

Awhile back I needed a way to quickly compare a set of SubSonic v2.2 objects ( data properties ) for differences. Since the two source rows of data would be created at different times and have different primary keys, I needed a way to selectively compare columns/properties. My solution, was a function called “ColumnsAreEqual” that I added to “RecordBase.cs” that compares each property value of two SubSonic Objects, while allowing you to set a list of columns/properties to exclude.

/// <summary>
/// Compare values of two SubSonic objects for differences.  You can also pass an exclusion list
/// of columns/properties to exclude,  like a primary key or CreatedOn date.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="comparableObject">Object to Compare</param>
/// <param name="ignoreColumnList">Comma separated list of ColumnNames to ignore</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public bool ColumnsAreEqual(T comparableObject, string ignoreColumnList = null)
	if (comparableObject == null)
		return false;

	// If ignore list is set, build array of column names to skip
	string[] ignoreColumnNames = new string[] {};
	if (ignoreColumnList != null && ignoreColumnList.IndexOf(',') > 0)
		ignoreColumnNames = ignoreColumnList.Split(',');

	foreach (TableSchema.TableColumnSetting setting in columnSettings)
		// If there are columns to ignore, check the current ColumnName against ignore list and skip.
		if (ignoreColumnNames.Length > 0)
			bool ignored = false;

			foreach (string ignoreColumnName in ignoreColumnNames)
				if (ignoreColumnName.Trim().ToLower() == setting.ColumnName.ToLower())
					ignored = true;

			// If this is a ignore column, skip.
			if (ignored)

		var before = setting.CurrentValue;
		var after = comparableObject.GetColumnValue<object>(setting.ColumnName);

		// If both are null, then they are equal
		if (before == null && after == null)

		// If one is null then they are not equal
		if (before == null || after == null)
			return false;

		// Compare two non-null objects
		if (!before.Equals(after))
			return false;

	return true;

// Example Usage
bool areEqual = before.Packaging.ColumnsAreEqual(after.Packaging,"PackagingId,CreatedOn,ModifiedOn");

Optional Column Updates with your Stored Procedures

Recently, I needed a way to quickly update some bulk data based on a part number… I started by building 2 stored procedure that each updated different columns, but a few minutes later I realized I was going to need at least 2 more permutations of my update procedure since there were more columns combinations I needed to update. I didn’t want to maintain a bunch of SP for different types of updates, I just wanted a handy update SP that would update a column/field with data when I passed it in or ignored it if left it blank/null.

I came up with a T-SQL Optional Update Parameter solution, which is based on using the “COALESCE” function along with typed null values. Normally, you pass in a bunch of values and it returns the first non null value, but… There is a hidden gem, you can pass in typed null values and it will return null… Knowing this, I created the code below.

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Product](
	[PartNumber] [nvarchar](20) NULL,
	[Description] [nchar](20) NULL,
	[Comments] [nchar](20) NULL


PRINT '---------------------------------------------------------- '
INSERT INTO [PRODUCT] VALUES (N'PART1', N'PART 1 Description', N'PART 1 Comment');


CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[spProduct_Update]
	@PartNumber AS NVARCHAR(20),
	@Description AS NCHAR(20),
	@Comments AS NCHAR(20)

	SELECT @BEFORE = 'BEFORE: ' + [PartNumber] + '  |  ' + [Description] + '  |  ' + [Comments] FROM [Product] WHERE [PartNumber] = @PartNumber;

	UPDATE [Product]
		SET [Description] = COALESCE(@Description,[Description]),
			[Comments] = COALESCE(@Comments,[Comments])
	WHERE [PartNumber] = @PartNumber;

	SELECT @AFTER = ' AFTER: ' + [PartNumber] + '  |  ' + [Description] + '  |  ' + [Comments] FROM [Product] WHERE [PartNumber] = @PartNumber;




-- Fails : Both values are non-typed null values
PRINT 'FAIL = COALESCE(null,null)';  --2 non-typed null value


SET @MyField = COALESCE(null, null);
PRINT @MyField;


-- Pass : The second value is a typed null value
PRINT 'PASS = COALESCE(null,<typed null parameter>)';  --1 non-typed null value, 1 typed null value


DECLARE @MyTypedParameter AS NVARCHAR(50);
SET @MyField = COALESCE(null, @MyTypedParameter);
PRINT @MyField;


-- Using the COALESCE with a typed parameter to create an optional "column" update.
PRINT '---------------------------------------------------------- '
EXEC spProduct_Update 'PART1', null, null;

PRINT '---------------------------------------------------------- '
EXEC spProduct_Update 'PART1', 'PART 1 *** UPDATE DESCRIPTION ***', null;

PRINT '---------------------------------------------------------- '
EXEC spProduct_Update 'PART1', null, 'PART 1 *** UPDATE COMMENT ***';

PRINT '---------------------------------------------------------- '
EXEC spProduct_Update 'PART1', '*** UPDATE BOTH ***', '*** UPDATE BOTH ***';

DROP PROCEDURE [dbo].[spProduct_Update];


DROP TABLE [dbo].[Product];


In a nutshell, we can only use COALESCE with typed nullable values… this means COALESCE(null,null,null) will fail because null is not a defined type, but COALESCE(@nullvalue, @nullvalue, @nullvalue) will work since we had to declare a type of @nullvalue [e.g. DECLARE @nullvalue AS nvarchar(20)]

(1 row(s) affected)

FAIL = COALESCE(null,null)
Msg 4127, Level 16, State 1, Line 3
At least one of the arguments to COALESCE must be a typed NULL.

PASS = COALESCE(null,<typed null parameter>)


(1 row(s) affected)
BEFORE: PART1  |  PART 1 Description    |  PART 1 Comment
 AFTER: PART1  |  PART 1 Description    |  PART 1 Comment      


(1 row(s) affected)
BEFORE: PART1  |  PART 1 Description    |  PART 1 Comment
 AFTER: PART1  |  PART 1 *** UPDATE DE  |  PART 1 Comment      


(1 row(s) affected)
BEFORE: PART1  |  PART 1 *** UPDATE DE  |  PART 1 Comment


(1 row(s) affected)
 AFTER: PART1  |  *** UPDATE BOTH ***   |  *** UPDATE BOTH ***

Fishbowl Inventory C# .NET Intergration

We’re using a program at work called Fishbowl Inventory for managing our sample inventory.  The program is a full blown ISRP (Inventory, Shipping, Receiving, and Packing) solution that does everything from sales order entry to warehouse logistics.  It’s been pretty rock-solid (tho I do regular full backups/restores and database re-indexes).  As of today, we are still using version 4.7 (very old) because the product road map changed after version 5.0 ( I’m not sure who drove their road map, but I feel the went the wrong way on a bunch of changes and every change was followed with huge bug lists).  In a nutshell, Fishbowl is a Java application that uses a Firebird database to store it’s data.  Upon the release of version 4.x, Fishbowl released a new “integration” feature that allowed developers to write applications that could communicate with Fishbowl via XML.  This was a big “improvement”, since previously I had written a few applications directly against the DB that generates labels (another missing feature) with a Dymo thermal printer and ran into lots of problems because Fishbowl does not like DB SCHEMA changes (even very simple benign changes gave me and support many issues).

Fast forward 4 years and here I am, I need to get some data out of Fishbowl but I find the ODBC drivers very unstable and I get errors > 50% of the time when I try to pull data out of Fishbowl.  I also tried their C# SDK and also received a bunch of random errors (probably because it’s for version 2011.7 vs. 4.7).  Since I needed to get some data out, I did a quick google search and found somebody made a PHP wrapper called  fishconnect based on the SDK for version 2010.4.  It says it required Fishbowl Inventory 2010.4+ to work, but after reviewing the code (don’t have PHP server, so I didn’t test anything), I’m convinced that it will probably work for all previous versions back to v4.7.  After a few minutes reading the code, I figured I could make myself a nice C# wrapper to use on our ASP.NET intranet site.

Here is a quick summary of what I used to put this together….

1. Have XSD file, now generate me some objects!

I grabbed the “fbimsg.xsd” from fishbowlconnect PHP project, which is also provided with the official Fishbowl Java SDK.

Microsoft has had the “XSD.EXE” for a long time, it will generate your objects based on a XSD file.  The command was moved into the Visual Studio Command Prompt with VS2010.  To use the XSD tool, go to your Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 folder and launch “Visual Studio Command Prompt (2010)”.  Once your at a command prompt, type the following.

xsd <location of XSD>.xsd /s

Presto, you got a nice DAL that is strongly typed!!!

2. Communications with Fishbowl Requires a Big Endian Stream

Why MS only supports Little Endian streams out of the box is a mystery to me, maybe a push to use the MS stack?  I don’t know, but regardless you have to solve this problem to talk with Fishbowl.  I did a quick and dirty sample to get it working, but it was a terrible “permanent” solution and required “Allow unsafe code” to be enabled.  I ran to StackOverflow to find somebody smarter with better code and ended up grabbing what I needed from Jon Skeet’s MiscUtil Library.  With this, I now had full support for BigEndian data streams.

3. Approving Fishbowl Integrated Applications

Fishbowl Inventory requires you to approve all 3rd party applications in the Fishbowl Server GUI, before the become active.  If you are running Fishbowl as a service you’ll have to stop it and then run it interactively. Once started, go to “Integrated Applications” and you should see Fishbowl Connect C# listed, select and check the green check mark to approve.

Fishbowl Inventroy Integration - Approve
Fishbowl Server Integrated Applications – Approval Screen

4. Putting it all together and a working example.

The final product consists of a single class called “FishbowlSession” that implements IDisposable.  This class handles all the communications with fishbowl. In addition to this class we have a DAL that was created from our XSD file and a Utilities library to provide a few helpers.  I wrote the main class by writing NUnit tests, if you want to test against your Fishbowl Server then change values in [Setup] test to reference valid data for your server (e.g. Server IP, Login, Password, Part Numbers).

If you find bugs please let me know, I only tested sending/receiving 4 message types so I’m not sure if all message types will work.

Example showing how to get the inventory for a part in Fishbowl.

private static string GetFishbowlPartInventory(string part)
	string inventoryResults = "Fishbowl Inventory Offline!";

	using (FishbowlSession fishbowlInventory = new FishbowlSession(""))
		// Connect to fishbowl using a valid login/password

		// Make sure we are authenticated before we try to send/receive messages
		if (fishbowlInventory.IsAuthenticated)
			// Build PartTagQueryRqType Request
			PartTagQueryRqType partTagQueryRqType = new PartTagQueryRqType { LocationGroup = "Product", PartNum = part };

			// Submit Request and get Response
			PartTagQueryRsType partTagQueryRsType = fishbowlInventory.IssueRequest&lt;PartTagQueryRsType&gt;(partTagQueryRqType);

			// Unregister Part, show custom message
			if (partTagQueryRsType.statusCode != "1000")
				inventoryResults = Utilities.StatusCodeMessage(partTagQueryRsType.statusCode);

			// Tag object is optional, if there is no tag element you can not get the quantity
			if (partTagQueryRsType.Tag != null &amp;&amp; partTagQueryRsType.Tag.Length &gt; 0)
				Tag tag = partTagQueryRsType.Tag[0];

				inventoryResults = int.Parse(tag.Quantity) &gt; 0
									   ? tag.Quantity + " Available in Fishbowl Inventory."
									   : "No Inventory Available in Fishbowl Inventory.";

	return inventoryResults;

IMPORTANT NOTE: There is an important caveat to this solution… Communication with the server will consume one of your seats that you have available based on your license key. This means, if your key only allows for 5 concurrent users and your app tries to connect when all the seats are full… it will fail! I have put a lot of other “things” in place to prevent this in my setup; short session timeouts, terminal server user caps, etc… but it’s still possible…

Download Fishbowl Inventory C# Wrapper