If you need help building a random password, you should check out pctools.com random password generator. It’s great, it gives you a lot of options and you can have it generate a list of 50 passwords with their callsign spellings in seconds. I’ve found the callsign spelling to be very helpful for remembering and recognizing all the characters in a new password I generate. I liked this solution so much, I decided port this concept over to C# with a set of helpers. This can be used anywhere you want to generate a password, I am currently using it in a ASP.NET LOB app to suggest and show better passwords options.
Generating Random Passwords
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
public static class StringHelper
// Shared Static Random Generator
private static readonly Random CommonRandom = new Random();
public static string GenerateRandomPassword(int passwordLength, bool canRepeatCharacters = false)
char[] chars = "$%#@!*abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890?;:ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ^&".ToCharArray();
string randomPassword = string.Empty;
for (int l = 0; l < passwordLength; l++)
int x = CommonRandom.Next(1, chars.Length);
if (canRepeatCharacters || !randomPassword.ToCharArray().Any(ch => ch == chars[x]))
randomPassword += chars[x].ToString();
return randomPassword;
public static List<string> GenerateRandomPasswords(int quantity, int passwordLength = 8)
List<string> passwords = new List<string>();
for (int i = 0; i < quantity; i++)
return passwords;
There are a few options on the generator, like not repeating a character and configuring the password length. In addition to the main method, I also have a helper that also returns a list of multiple passwords, to return in a list to give your users options.
Important note, Random() is not very random when your making quick consecutive calls. If you want to call Random() in a loop, you should move your instance of the Random() class to the outside to prevent duplicate seeds, which will result in duplicate passwords.
public static string GetCallsignSpelling(string password)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(password))
return string.Empty;
Dictionary<char, string> callsigns = new Dictionary<char, string>()
{'$',"Dollar Symbol"},
{'%',"Percent Symbol"},
{'#',"Number Symbol"},
{'@',"At Symbol"},
{'!',"Exclamation Symbol"},
{'*',"Asterisk Symbol"},
{'?',"Question Symbol"},
{';',"SemiColon Symbol"},
{':',"Colon Symbol"},
{'^',"Caret Symbol"},
{'&',"Ampersand Symbol"}
char[] wordCharacters = password.ToCharArray();
string callsignSpelling =
(current, passwordCharacter) =>
current + (callsigns[passwordCharacter] + " - ")).TrimEnd(' ', '-');
return callsignSpelling;
The spelling is done using a Key/Value dictionary, and iterating over each character of the password one-by-one.
The result of using these two helpers is below.